Modern Day Pin Up Magazine

Keep Calm and Carona On.

Written By: Miss Rebecca Rose

As a pinup who loves getting dressed up for the opening of an envelope, I was dismayed when coronavirus hit and I was confined to my house, with a wardrobe full of frocks, and not a soirée in sight to wear them to. In response, I share my top tips for remaining fabulous. Apocalypse now? More like apocalypse wow.

Tip 1: Get dressed up for any occasion. You have to go grocery shopping? Do it wearing a ball gown, if you fancy. If there are no events, make every day an event. It will be good for your mental health, and good for others! Don’t neglect to match your mask to your ensemble!

Tip 2: Embrace the boudoir. Now is the time to make your room your photography studio/haven! Go online to update your digs, or do a mini room makeover. If you’re going to be spending a lot of time in the space, it might as well be divine! Pinterest is a treasure trove of inspiration.

Tip 3: Go online. In response to the crisis, more and more is available online. Want to buy some new clothes? You might even be able to try them on in a virtual changing room! Although pinups often appreciate the tangible, embrace the fact we can still do so much from the comfort of our homes.

Tip 4: Host an online event. Sure, it might not be as extra as an actual, in person event, but it could still be pretty spectacular! Apps like Zoom are allowing us to video chat with increasingly excellent clarity. Plus, the event will be free, and accessible to anyone around the globe!

Tip 5: Get creative. Photographers have started using Zoom to take photos, allowing for a contact free experience. Normally shoot in a luxurious environment? Figure out ways to make your backyard a photography oasis. String up fairy lights. Be innovative, and flexible. Try to come up with new ways of doing the same things. Have a backyard picnic, or try a style you’ve been too scared to don for ages.

Tip 6: Use this lull as an opportunity to research makeup techniques, hair styles, and pinup perfect poses. When you get back to your old routine, you’ll be doubly amazing!

Tip 7: It doesn’t have to be perfect. Stuck at home with children, your partner, or pets? Why not include them in your photos and projects? The results could be cute, amazing or hilarious. It might also help keep the whole family occupied and positive!

Tip 8: Don’t forget about special events. Just because there’s coronavirus, is no reason to not still be cute for Easter or your birthday. Even if you want to share your bunny themed pyjamas, it could give your followers a new peek into your life!

Hopefully my tips keep you pinup perfect, and you make plenty of memories and pics to share! If you use any of them, I’d love to see the results! And remember, kindness is contagious!

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